Looking to advance your career near your hometown?
Look here to find Job Opportunities close to home!
Use our virtual job fair as an opportunity to apply for job positions throughout our region. Please review the listings below to learn more.
To apply for positions you are qualified for, we ask that you submit your cover letter and resume.
Your resume will be pre-screened and forwarded to employers for consideration.
Let us help you secure a great job in your hometown!
In these changing times, you may be changing your priorities.
Jobseekers: If you would like professional assistance with your job search, please contact a workforce
specialist at a Virginia Workforce Center
closest to you.
Employers: To find out more about our services, visit www.vaworkforcecenters.com.
To Post Job Openings on this website, you may Log In or create a free account by clicking the "Employer Login" button below:
If you need special assistance, please contact our business service manager:
The West Piedmont Workforce Investment Board and sub-recipients are equal opportunity employers/programs.
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Primary source of funding is from the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration.